It’s great to be back on the Blog!
The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked
to appear on Channel 5’s TV show
Harvest on the Farm
I’m being filmed live and have been asked to talk about and make a harvest jug live on air!
My bit will be on Wednesday 27th September at 8pm.
Of course I’ve been brushing up my Harvest jug knowledge
and thinking things through whilst on my dog walks around Barrington.
Every day I think how lucky am I to be making pots and living in this wonderful village in Somerset.
I’ve made a Harvest jug for the show
So I’ll have my
“here’s one I made earlier moment”
As part of my chat I’ll get in the fact that most potteries back in the day only made a very few bespoke harvest jugs less than 1% of their production.
Most of the time was spent make homewares like these pots below
Harvest time in Barrington is really busy and I love the combination
of sunlight and autumnal colours
Of course all of this is thirsty work and this year this has become my favourite
Drink of choice!
Today we have just had our lease on the pottery signed off
For a further 5 years.
So time for a little celebratory drink. Cheer’s
Congratulations..on all counts!
Will try and catch the programme tonight..last night's was quite interesting
Kuddos to you; great news that you will be able to stay put for five years.
Wish there were some way to eat her in the USA
Spell check gone mad!
Wish I could watch here in the USA.
I do know how to eat here....there....and everywhere.......
Thank you for the thoughtfulness in your content.
1) Get ex-boyfriend back
2) Stop divorce.
3) Save dying marriage/relationship
4) Herpes cure..
5) Resolve relationship/marital issues
6) Reclaim Soulmate.
7) Make Ex run after you
8) Return/reunite with Ex
9) Make him committed.
10) Make your ex-husband/wife to love just you
Thanks, great post.
Bracelet is so beautiful and can hardly plan gold bangle
I'm excited to watch you demonstrate your Harvest jug making skills.
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