Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Biscuit Firing

Hi, it's 8pm and I have just turned off my Biscuit Firing, nothing very exiciting about that I know. But this is the first time I feel as though I have taken the Kiln by the scruff of the neck and felt confident about the firing all the way through. Marion says that since I have been doing the blog and speaking to you guys my confidence has grown. So I just wanted to say thank you.


doug Fitch said...

It's a great little network we have going here isn't it? Hannah and Andrew had a conversation the other day about the loneliness of potting. Sometimes there's stuff that can only be discussed with fellow potters, certainly Hil's eyes glaze over when I start talking about my pots. Sad but true, my blog is my social life!Hope the firing's good, great to sense you positivity.

Ron said...

Paul, glad to hear you feel good about the firing. I think I'll have a struggle when I get my little gas kiln going, but hopefully will get it figured out quickly. Thanks for the Yabba dabba do comment, that was uplifting.
I am glad to be part of this network too, even way over here across the pond. All my pals know about you all , and everyday I catch Sarah up on what's happening..."Doug this, Andrew that, Paul sent a picture of Big Ben, etc etc." She knows who you all are. It's fun.
Well it's almost time for dinner here. All the best. Ron

potterboy said...

And of course, there's thank you's to you too - you do your bit - or at least you have with me. It's good stuff this - and like Doug, this is my social life!

Hope it's all gone well... looking forward to seeing some pots.

Hannah said...

Excellent! Thought it was just me that was the saddo getting my pottery fix most nights. Glad to know the clay's gotten to everyone's mind. My Paul has picked up a lot of pottery stuff from me and is actually interested - but only to a point! I've seen him fall asleep while I've been wobbling on about pot related things. Poor man.

Harvest on the Farm TV appearance

It’s great to be back on the Blog! The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked to appear on Channel 5’s TV s...