Sunday, 6 September 2009

Private View Invitation.

All of our Private View Invitations have now been delivered
and by the amount of replies we have received so far
we are currently running at around 70 people.

I thought I would put it out in the Blogging world
so If any Blogger's are out there that would like to attend
You are more than welcome.
But If you do, You must Let me know
Other Wise Marion will Kill Me.
Marion is in charge of the Private View event.
and Keeping a track of the numbers will
ensure we have enough Wine Beer and Food, for a good event.


Hannah said...

in what way will she kill you? Just intrigued to know her methods. Hope it goes well, smart cards, looks good.

Anna M. Branner said...

If it were'nt for the small matter of the ocean I would be there!

Ron said...

Have fun. Marion will probably kill you for putting this out on the internet. Ha. Hopefully no body knows what a great hostess she is. oops.

ang design said...

ah just missed it, i'm back home now bummer...go marion...!

Hollis Engley said...

Maybe we'll make the next one, Paul. But it sounds like fun, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I could come....but it is a ways with such a big ocean! Maybe when we take our trip to your England in 2012 we can drop in.

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