Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The St Ives Effect..

A couple of weeks ago while Marion had a few days of work
we ventured down to the Leach Pottery at St Ives.
and yes we did the obliquity shot of the fire place.
I had left the camera in the car so this somewhat grainy shot was taken with my mobile phone.
It was very interesting and well worth the visit for Pottery fans.
In the shop we were told that there was no standard stock for sale
as every time they open the kiln it sells.
Yet sneaking a peek in the working studio there was no sign of any work in production.
This had obviously hit home to me when we got back home
The following morning I was in the workshop early
and threw 42 small bowls and 28 Lipped bowls.
My two best selling lines, there was no way I was going to be out of stock
of my best selling things.
It really has spurred me on to making more pots,
I can't afford to miss a sale because of a lack of stock
to my mind that is a Capital Offence.
Inspiration also comes in other forms
I've always Loved Clive Bowen's Lidded Jars
and we had a chance to look at some more
at close hand in the shop. I have tried on numerous
occasions to make some that could stand up to scrutiny.
I Think this one hits the spot.


Anonymous said...

beautiful lidded jar, i keep seeing different bloggers sitting in front of that fireplace

Christine--RHP said...

that jar is gorgeous!!

Anna M. Branner said...


Anonymous said...

It's absolutely beautiful and makes me smile.

Hollis Engley said...

Lovely jar, Paul. You need to keep an eye out this fall for Chris Bromfield and Denise Marcoux, our friends from here in Falmouth, who will be visiting Chris's Somerset relatives. I'm going to insist they come by Barrington Court to see you.

Harvest on the Farm TV appearance

It’s great to be back on the Blog! The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked to appear on Channel 5’s TV s...