Friday, 4 September 2009

Surprise Visit Today !!

Any Idea who this lady is ?
She is Dame Fiona Reynolds DBE
Director General of the National Trust.
And she came into my workshop today and had a chat about my work
which I am happy to report she loved, and we discussed my plans for the bigger
workshop which looks like it's all going to go ahead in January 2010.
She loved what I was doing and I explained to her that the
National Trust have been very helpful to me
since I have been here.
The timing of the visit was quite good because I had just thrown
the Large Wassail Cup That the Court have Ordered.
and I had just picked some leaves from the Oldest of the Apple Trees
in the Orchard opposite my workshop.
These are going to be incorporated into the design of the pot
and it will be glazed with the Ash Glaze.
This all went down very well, It was a bit like a Royal Visit
because in the National Trust
Visitors don't come any Higher than this.
And to Cap it all
She Bought a Pot.

What A Nice Lady.


Tracey Broome said...

You have a charmed life! What a great thing to have happen, I love that she bought a pot!!!

Hollis Engley said...

I guess we're going to have to give you more respect now, Paul, if these lettered higher-ups are going to drop into your studio. Pretty cool.

DirtKicker Pottery said...
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DirtKicker Pottery said...

Some days just make the Year!!

Tracey Broome said...

BTW: I finally got around to watching your video on Youtube, fabulous! I especially liked your music selections. The close ups of you throwing are so great!! Well done :)

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