Wednesday, 7 October 2009

When Autumn Leaves Begin to Fall...

I've had a nice day away from the workshop today.
I went down to see Doug and we had a cup of tea and talked pots.
when I got back I took Caddy for a long walk up on the hills.
It's nice to see the Autumn colours.

very much my kind of colours, and it's nice to absorb these pictures
into the brain.
This intrigued me, it's the cattle track to a water trough.


Christine--RHP said...

such lovely landscapes...

Toronto realtor said...

Wonderful. The third picture is my personal favorite. Yeah, the color of autumn leaves is just amazing. When it starts to rain, it stops being so great, though. Especially if the leaves are in one's own garden, right? I have just written an article about how to get rid off them, actually. You are welcome to read it.


Harvest on the Farm TV appearance

It’s great to be back on the Blog! The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked to appear on Channel 5’s TV s...