Monday, 25 March 2013

At Last I Hear You Cry

I have been looking into changing my Chip and Pin Machine
At Last I Hear You Cry!

Those of you that are regular customers will be all too
familiar with the song and dance routine
that has accompanied any chip and pin sale in the Showroom
over the past Four Years.
Well enough is enough our old Mobile machine is going to be hurled into a Bin
and You very patient customers will be able to sleep
better in your beds at night, without the reoccurring nightmares
that are
 "Barrington Pottery's Chip & Pin Machine".

We do realise that we may be putting some therapists out of work
But Our customers deserve better.
And besides Marion said if I don't change
 the Damm thing she'll throw it in the bin!

And so Research has been done and I think 
 in the words of Baldrick
" I have come up with a cunning plan".

First of all I have signed up to a very modern mobile phone system
that we can use when we are away from the workshop.
This system is totally free, No set up costs, no monthly fee
and you only pay 2.75% of the total sale fee.
So on a sales of a £40.00 pot
the fee is £1.10
You get a card reader that attaches to you iPhone or iPad
and takes card payments in a secure and safe way.
if you don't use it you don't pay .
You down load the app on your iPhone
I've set it all up and it has some great features,
 you can add standard products, you can take a picture of the pot your selling,
you can send the customer a receipt via email
and the customer can put a link on Facebook to say I just bought this
with the picture and it gives all your details and a map where you are.
It is just Brilliant.
I've put the link to a small demo video so you can see it in action.

They also sent me a link so that if anyone wants to go for it
email me and I'll send you the link
that means they will credit my account £10 for each new customer that signs up
via the link I can send you.
So bloody clever!
my email should you wish is

Here is the old mobile signal unit
which was pretty much a pain in the arse for a workshop
with a mobile signal about as strong as Tinkerbells little finger.

Soon to be replaced with a new system in the workshop
that is attached to the land line and not reliant on a mobile signal.
And the rental cost is less than half of the old one.

See how good I am to my customers!
In fact what I should be saying to our customers is 
Thank You for putting up with so much crap for the past four years.
Come and try out the new system and mention you read the blog
and we might even give you a discount.

1 comment:

Paul Jessop said...

I Have had to add a word verification thingy to stop spam comments.

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