Friday, 28 March 2014

A Quick Blog Pot update.

I realise that not everyone that reads the blog looks at my Facebook page
so here are some pictures of work that has
shown it's face on Facebook!
I've been making some larger platters.

 My quest to make more jugs is paying off
as two of these have sold already.
 These are the same jugs but with the sun shining through the round window
in the workshop.
 and here I am rustling up a quick batter mix in one of our small
Pancheons on Pancake day.
 This Jug sold for £45 in the online auction to aid potters in Japan
who's workshops had been devastated in the earthquake disaster
a few years ago.
 This jug is still sitting on the showroom shelf waiting for a new home
but I love this jug.

The large platter at the start of the blog finished
in what I call my
 "Cardew Style"

 and a second in a more traditional style.
 The small Pancheons are normally plain but I reserve the right to decorate
one every once in a while.
 and as a bit of fun 
I have some nice big jugs cooling down in the kiln at the moment
so don't be surprised to see a new blog very soon.


cookingwithgas said...

I have a soft spot for your work. It all looks great.

Dennis Allen said...

Very nice pots Paul. Thanks for taking the time to share.

smartcat said...

Lovely photos. I did not realize you have a Facebook page. I'll take a look.

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