Monday, 7 July 2014

The National Trust online shop

I thought I would post a reminder that you can buy our pots online
from the National Trust online shop.
They take payment in lots of different ways
unlike our own web site that only uses Paypal

This shows that our pie dishes can be baked in.

and our Devon jugs in use in a restaurant.
We are off to meet Prince Charles tomorrow
if we can grab any pictures we will share them here.
It's all Go, Go,Go here.


Dennis Allen said...

Say hello to the Prince for me. Remind him he owes me $5.00

Paul Jessop said...

Dennis, Marion got your $5.00 for you. she pinned him to the ground until he gave in.

Harvest on the Farm TV appearance

It’s great to be back on the Blog! The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked to appear on Channel 5’s TV s...