Monday, 1 September 2014

Barrington Pottery Hits the Road in September

Well here we are, September seems to have come from nowhere!
This year we have two new shows to attend.
The first is the New Salisbury Contemporary craft & heritage fayre
in the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral.
We will both go up and set up the stall on Friday 5th Sept
and stay for the private view event in the evening.
Marion will man the stall on Saturday & Sunday
while I will be in the workshop making pots on both days and open.

September also means we start to make more soup bowls
and change our pallet slightly, using more of the warmer shades
for that comfort food effect.

This Year we have been asked to attend the Wardlow Mires Pottery & Food event
in the Beautiful Derbyshire dales.

So the workshop will be closed the weekend of the 
12th, 13th & 14th September.
But if you are up for it why not come and see us at the event
I'm told the pub is fantastic.
We have a nice big order looming that we will be working on
throughout September
More on that as we get full confirmation.
But it does mean that I shall be working some long hours this month.
so the breaks to the shows 
will be a nice way to break up the work, with a bit of travel
and a change of scenery.
I'm also looking at updating the web site with a new video
and a more arty style.
What about Married life?
We both feel that we feel more complete
 it feels as if the circle is now complete.
Thank You to all of our 
customers who gave us some amazing gifts
they were very much appreciated.
You know who you are.


Dennis Allen said...

Beautiful work as usual Paul. Good luck with your shows.I've got two on the 13th and 14th. Two shows, two days two set ups, two tear downs. What the heck was I thinking!

Paul Jessop said...

Thanks Dennis , Good Luck with the shows, wouldn't it be nice to just sell out one day and just walk away at the end of the day with packing up to do.
One day I'm sure.

Paul Jessop said...

Missed out the vital word No!

Dennis Allen said...

Don't hold your breath for everything to go but every empty box is appreciated.

Harvest on the Farm TV appearance

It’s great to be back on the Blog! The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked to appear on Channel 5’s TV s...