Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Soup Bowl Success

These new chaps came out of the kiln on Monday Morning
They are proving to be a great success in the showroom
I sold a set of four yesterday

The all green ones are slightly smaller than the ones with the
white slip on the inside.
All we need now is some of Marion's home made soup
and some fresh crusty bread.
This was the rest of the firing.


Hollis Engley said...

Nice pots, Paul. Now, get Marion busy making the soup.

Anna M. Branner said...

I love that light, warm color. Glaze or slip?

Tracey Broome said...

I wondered how these would look glazed. They are really great aren't they! Definitely calling for some warm soup in them.

Paul Jessop said...

Hi anna,
The light colour is a light glaze over a white slip.
It's the same glaze that goes on the green slip.

DirtKicker Pottery said...

Those came out very nice.

Anonymous said...

the bowls came out nicely... soup and crusty bread, makes me hungry

Snyder said...

Nice pots, Paul. Now, get Marion busy making the soup.

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