Thursday, 10 December 2009

Pottery Lessons Leaflet/ Newsletter

I finally found some time to put together a Newsletter / Lessons Leaflet.
I will have them on my stall Tonight
at the Barrington Village Hall Christmas Fayre.

I've spent the morning trying out the new wheel which will also be in use tonight.
I'm told they have Mulled Cider Tonight.
so throwing demo before I try some I think.


DirtKicker Pottery said...

Nice leaflet. The classes sound wonderful. Wish I could sign-up :)

Hollis Engley said...

The brochure looks great, Paul. And I love the idea of a "taster session."
Good luck with it.

ang design said...

how is the new place shaping up paul...?

Paul Jessop said...

Hi Ang, It's still exactly the same as you saw it. I'm just waiting for the planning permission for change of use from calf pens to a pottery, should find out next week with a bit of luck.

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