Thursday, 25 August 2011

Gaddafi on my mind as I slip away.

Some times you open the kiln door
all excited, because you have tried
something new, and the firing has gone well
but the results weren't what you were expecting
and it makes you feel flat and dejected.
I had these plates and pie dishes
that I had wanted to come out in the new, old English white glaze.
and they came out what I call
all wishy washy.
It's just not what I wanted, and I know people say
know one will know and they look OK.
But I know
and I don't like them
and that's what matters to me.
They came out a few days ago and I've been trying to get my head around it
then I found this picture I had taken after they had been slipped.
I can see how thin the slip is
and I should have known better.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
and then I go home and watch the news and see the Libya rebels
and that puts it all into perspective.
" if the biggest thing I am worrying about is how thick the slip
should have been on my plates"
Then I have nothing to worry about.
I came back in the workshop the following day
and these salt pigs look like an army of salt pigs.
I checked out all my jugs
and Gaddafi isn't  hiding in here.
This biscuit firing has now been glazed
and is cooling down now.
so some more fresh pots will be out on Friday.
so lets hope for some better results.


cookingwithgas said...

it is all perspective is it not?
Why the handle on the salt pig- just wondering. Here they are made no handle.

Elaine Bradley said...

So that glorious white you posted about the other day - was that a clear glaze over white slip? Or was it a glorious white glaze - like the austin healy? Am I right in presuming you fire at earthenware or mid fire if your body is such a lovely red terracotta look?
I think you are right, with work as good as this even when it goes wishy washy - you have nothing to worry about

Dennis Allen said...

If you find Gaddafi hiding in your kiln, close the lid and fire when ready.

Tracey Broome said...

I know exactly how you feel, but honestly I really love those plates, love the way the clay shows through the slip. I'm sure you had a different vision, but come back to them later and you might really like them. I had a kiln full of those expectations this week and I like about 10% of what I unloaded. Some days I really wonder what I'm doing this for!

Ron said...

Look at all your troops. I know what you mean about expectations. You'll get it right next time. Everything looks great!

DirtKicker Pottery said...

It's a different world inside a clay studio.. Sometimes we have to peek outside to keep in balance.

Those plates are amazing!! A rustic look that I would totally strive for.

am said...

I quote :"It's a different world inside a clay studio.. Sometimes we have to peek outside to keep in balance." :)

Hollis Engley said...

I'm with Tracey, Paul. The plates aren't what you were looking for, but they're fine. Someone will love them, and you learned from the firing. Not bad.

Paul Jessop said...

Hi cooking with gas, I put the handle on to make them easier to pick up, I've not tried making them without, but they would fit in the kiln better without.
Hi Elaine, yes it is a clear glaze over a white slip.and I fire to 1100oc.
I totally agree about it being a different world inside a pottery studio, and the peeking out to get some kind of perspective. As for the plates I've now fallen in love with them and have taken them home, and I have my toast on one this morning.

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