Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Snow Glorious Snow

This was the view from my workshop door at around 2pm yesterday.
This is the bottom of the same tree about an hour or so later
when there was a break in the weather and the sun came out.
and this was the cottage when I came home from the workshop
it looks like I need to put some more insulation in the loft towards the chimney.

Off to the workshop this morning to open My first glaze firing in the Electric Kiln.


Michele D. said...

Wow, your house is adorable. It reminds me of the house in the movie 'The Holiday'.

June Perry said...

What an exquisite setting. I also thought it looked like the cottage in "The Holiday".
We expecting snow here in Bakersville, North Carolina, starting around noon today and through Wednesday.


Ron said...

Hey Paul, I'm jealous of the snow. Wondering how you'll like the move back to electric after all the gas firings.

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