Thursday, 10 January 2013

Looks Like it's Gonna Happen.

One thing we have learnt about having a workshop
on a National Trust property is Patience,
nothing ever happens straight away.
We are fine with that
the one thing we both have plenty of is patience.
We were told that the building works would start on the 7th January 2013
with the scaffolding going up first.
and sure enough up it goes.

The second thing that was due to happen was the Electricians
were going to start installing a new electric control panel this week,
so the power was going to be on and off at points.
So we thought great lets take an extra week off and just let them get on with it.
Monday morning email:
you guessed it
 " electrics now starting next week". 
 Wednesday morning email
You guessed!
Electrics now starting week after next!

I think we might earn more money this year
if we ran a book on when the workshop
will be finished.
But following our visits to Winchcombe and Toff Milway
earlier this week, we are really starting to get excited
about this great new space.
keep posted for stage by stage updates.


Anna M. Branner said...

It IS going to be a terrific space. And bless your patience. I am short of it!

Sandy Miller said...

What a labor of love! Very exciting and looking forward to the progress.... Best.

learning ceramics said...

wow i just love the country-french look of that barn........ so many possibilities

Harvest on the Farm TV appearance

It’s great to be back on the Blog! The most exciting thing that’s happening right now, is that I’ve been asked to appear on Channel 5’s TV s...